Company Profile
Random Global is classified as an Environmental company within the glass industry being the first and only Glass Processing & Recycling facility in the UAE.
The Company - Random Global FZCO
The company started as a small family owned business enterprise and gradually developed to be the first and only Glass Processing & Recycling facility in the UAE.
The legal structure of the company is a private limited company, located on its own built-up facility
in Jebel Ali Free Zone, Dubai, UAE.
The Industry, Product and Business
The industry the company operates in falls within the Glass Industry, though it can be also classified as an Environmental company dedicated to the environmental impact in promoting glass recycling. The end products of the company is called Glass Cullet, which is a technical term for processed crushed recycled glass free from all impurities and separated by colour, ready to be re-melted by glass manufacturers in making new glass containers (bottles & jars) instead of using virgin raw materials.
The main reason the company was started by the owners was due to their passion for Recycling and the total lack of Glass Recycling within the whole of UAE. Initially the project was presented to the local Glass Manufacturers, waste management entities and authorities of Dubai, whereby after evaluation of the project, it was rejected on the grounds of being commercially not viable. The owners of Random Global took the challenge that it can be feasible knowing the margins and profitability is very little in comparison to the work and efforts required to make it a success. Setting challenging yet achievable goals kept them motivated with a means to measure the progress and growth over the period.
Random Global is classified as an Environmental company within the glass industry being the first and only Glass Processing & Recycling facility in the UAE.
The Company - Random Global FZCO
The company started as a small family owned business enterprise and gradually developed to be the first and only Glass Processing & Recycling facility in the UAE.
The legal structure of the company is a private limited company, located on its own built-up facility
in Jebel Ali Free Zone, Dubai, UAE.
The Industry, Product and Business
The industry the company operates in falls within the Glass Industry, though it can be also classified as an Environmental company dedicated to the environmental impact in promoting glass recycling. The end products of the company is called Glass Cullet, which is a technical term for processed crushed recycled glass free from all impurities and separated by colour, ready to be re-melted by glass manufacturers in making new glass containers (bottles & jars) instead of using virgin raw materials.
The main reason the company was started by the owners was due to their passion for Recycling and the total lack of Glass Recycling within the whole of UAE. Initially the project was presented to the local Glass Manufacturers, waste management entities and authorities of Dubai, whereby after evaluation of the project, it was rejected on the grounds of being commercially not viable. The owners of Random Global took the challenge that it can be feasible knowing the margins and profitability is very little in comparison to the work and efforts required to make it a success. Setting challenging yet achievable goals kept them motivated with a means to measure the progress and growth over the period.